Coldfall English Policy
English Key Skills
Particular skill areas are described as ‘key skills’ because they help learners to improve their learning and performance in education, work and life. These are embedded in the school’s curriculum.
The key skills for English in each year group can be found on the Class Pages HERE.
Reading Spine
At Coldfall, we use the Spelling Shed scheme for the teaching of spelling. Lessons align with the National Curriculum for spelling. In a typical week, the children look at a selection of words that follow a particular pattern, often using etymology, morphology and segmentation to gain a better understanding of the rules and words that they are learning. The teaching of spelling is cyclical, with children returning to previously taught rules and patterns regularly. Each child has a log in for the Spelling Shed website, which they can use to practise their spelling words at home.
You can see an overview of the scheme here.
E-book Websites
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope this email finds you and your family in good health.
The following websites have been created to help children aged 3-11 develop their reading skills at home. You will find a range of popular fiction and non-fiction titles all available for children to read at their leisure. All of the eBooks are free to use, but you will need to register and log in. Please note, the eBooks are not optimised for mobile phones and are best viewed on a computer, laptop, or tablet.
Regular reading practice is one of the most important things we can ensure our children do, so please take full advantage of this free offer.
Yours sincerely,
Miss King
Assistant Headteacher