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Intent, Implementation and Impact


Our curriculum meets and exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum. We intend for our children to know more, do more and remember more and for there to be a change in our children’s long-term memory. Our curriculum is ambitious for all learners, particularly our disadvantaged pupils, and pupils with SEND, giving them the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed in life.

Work in humanities, for each half-term, is led by a unit of learning on either History or Geography. Where appropriate learning in English is linked to these units of learning. PE, Music, Design and Technology, RE, Computing and Art and Science are all taught discretely.

At Coldfall, we want our children to use their knowledge, skills and understanding to have a positive impact on themselves, their families, their community and the wider world. This is why we have the following themes, known as our ’Golden Threads’, running through our curriculum that reflect Coldfall’s specific context and community. These are:


Implementation describes the way in which we deliver our intent consistently each day. To do this, we have carefully designed our knowledge-rich curriculum. This is designed to enable learners to acquire relevant subject knowledge which underpins the application of skills. Skills are carefully and progressively mapped across each key stage and discrete subject area.

Long-term, medium-term and short-term planning is sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge. The five stages of learning cycle ensures teachers are checking for pupils’ understanding systematically, identifying misconceptions quickly and supporting children’s long-term memory. Assessment in the foundation subjects consists of schema maps, content quizzes, retrieval activities and ongoing formative assessment.

Reading is a priority. Interventions for reading take precedence over any other academic learning in the curriculum. Reading books are connected closely to the phonics knowledge pupils are taught when learning to read (Read Write Inc Book Bag Books). The importance of language and vocabulary development is recognised from the Early Years right through to Year 6.

Key knowledge and vocabulary is consolidated and secured into long-term memory by specific and regular retrieval opportunities, which are deliberately spaced and planned for. This ensures that by the time children leave Coldfall they have learned and are able to recall and apply the key information that we feel is important in order for them to be successful in the future.

Composite and components of learning

Knowledge is taught through exploring a question that is shared with the children at the beginning of a unit. Teachers plan and deliver a series of lessons that provides the children with the knowledge (substantive) and skills (disciplinary) to demonstrate full and considered responses to this enquiry through the component parts of the unit. Subject leaders are integral to the planning process and understand and can explain the rationale for the pathway that their subjects take. Progression of knowledge and skills is carefully mapped across all Key Stages.


The curriculum is enhanced by carefully planned visits, activities, community links, skill workshops, and life experiences that enhance the learning of our children. These are deliberately chosen so that there is not repetition and a broad range of curriculum subjects can benefit.


Children leave Coldfall Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic content they have been taught. Termly and end-of-year assessments are above National Expectation for all pupil groups and their books showcase their learning journey. Children can talk confidently about their learning using subject-specific vocabulary accurately and appropriately. Our SEND provision, and the adaptations that teachers make within lessons, ensure SEND children achieve to their full potential and make good progress from their starting points.

Children at Coldfall are well-rounded, capable and caring individuals who are exemplary citizens. Children have the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to lead a rich and fulfilling life, with positive relationships, and a strong sense of commitment to making a positive contribution to the world.

Science Overview

History Overview

Geography Overview

Music Overview

Design and Technology Overview

Modern Foreign Language (MFL) Overview

Computing Overview