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Weekly reminder 8th July – 12th July 2024

Whole School

  • Exhibition Evening – Thursday, 11th July from 4pm until 6pm – NO ACTIVITY CLUBS (Only Night Owls will be running)
  • Enterprise Fair – Thursday, 11th July from 3:45pm - Y6 will be holding their enterprise fair during exhibition evening, so please come along a little early to have a look
  • Choir Concert – During Exhibition evening at 4:30pm – lower hall
  • Book Fair – 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th July 2024

The Travelling Book Fair will arrive at Coldfall Primary School on Monday. You will find the fair, weather permitting, on the front playground every day after school until Friday. Please do come along and see what books and offers are available. For every £1 spent the school gets 20p to spend on books for the school.

  • Donations for the Mud Kitchen

Thank you so much for donating items for our mud kitchen. Please only donate items that we requested as we don’t have enough storage for any items that were not asked for.

  • Concerns that you may have

Can we please ask parents to contact the school directly for any concerns that they might have by e-mailing the school office: .


  • Graduation Garden Party– Friday, 19th July at 2pm - in your child’s classroom

Bring your favourite family dish to the party.

  • Interactive Dinosaur Show – Wednesday, 10th July

Just a reminder that Reception children will be enjoying an Interactive Dinosaur show on Wednesday. Please make a payment via your School Money account, if you haven’t done so already, thank you.

Year 1

  • Hummingbird class assembly and coffee – Friday, 12th July at 9.05am – Main Hall
  • SEND Support meetings – Wednesday, 10th July

Year 2

  • Aldenham Country Park Trip Friday, 12th July – leaving at 8.30am and returning 3.30pm

Year 6

  • Fair during Exhibition Evening – Thursday, 11th July

The Y6 children have been working on an enterprise project in their maths lessons. They will be running a fair during Exhibition Evening from 3:45 - 4:45, offering a wide variety of snacks, drinks, crafts, games and even beauty treatments. The children are all hoping to turn a profit on the investment they were given, so please come along and see what they have to offer.

  • The Y6 children have plans for what they need to do for their enterprise project stall at exhibition evening. They may need some support in shopping and making for this. Thank you.


  • Activity Clubs for the Autumn term are going live on Monday, 8th July 2024 at 8pm (timetable attached) Please note that club bookings can ONLY be done via Arbor – Please make sure you have downloaded the Arbor app (see below information), otherwise you will not be able to book.


  • Arbor - New Management School System (MIS) - Please download the Arbor App - everyone will need to download the Parent App from Google Play Store on android phones or the Apple Store on iPhones.

To create your account, you just need to set a password. Your username is the email address that you have provided the school with.  Go to and click Forgot your password? to finish setting up your account.

Separate e-mails were sent out to parents on 2nd July and 5th July on how to log in. Please contact Roopa via e-mail in the school office if you are having issues logging in.


Ongoing Information


Outstanding Debt

We would like to ask parents to please clear any outstanding debt that they have on School Money as we are at this time moving to our new MIS, Arbor. In order for the move to go smoothly all debt needs to be cleared from everyone’s School Money account. If there are any issues, please contact the school office as soon as possible.

Please check you e-mail box /junk/spam for the e-mail that went out on 2nd July where you received information on how to register to the new Payment System. The new system will have an app that everyone will need to download, as outlined above. Thank you.

Leavers (Nursery to Year 5): If you are planning to leave Coldfall Primary school at the end of the school year please e-mail the school office and let us know your child’s new school name and address as well as your new address, if applicable. Thank you to those parents who have already contacted the school office.