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Weekly Reminders

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  • Weekly reminder 20th - 24th January 2025

    Published 20/01/25

    Whole School

    Lost Property

    Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales.

    Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.


    We are excited to introduce woodwork to our children in the Early Years this term. Woodwork is popular with young children and provides a rich source of enjoyment as well as learning. It helps develop children’s imagination and creativity as well as practical skills. The impact is long term.

    A full risk assessment has been carried out for woodwork activities and the children will be supervised at all times in a designated woodwork area. Only 4 children will be in the woodwork area at any time, accompanied by a member of staff. Woodwork is actually a low-risk activity when introduced and supervised correctly. It allows children to experience risk in a controlled situation, providing opportunities for making judgements and learning to self-risk assess.

    Initially, children will be taught how to use the tools safely and will be given the opportunity to try techniques in appropriate ways. Once they have mastered basic skills, the children will move into open ended exploration, making unique creations for themselves.

    We look forward to sharing the children’s new skills with you over the coming months.

    Year 1

    It is Goldfinch Class assembly on Friday 24th January. Please come along to watch the assembly, straight after drop off. The assembly will be in the Main Hall. You are also invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit after the assembly.

    Year 2

    On the 29th January, at 2.30PM, we would like to invite parents and carers to join us to prepare and enjoy healthy fruit snacks that the children will be designing in our next Design Technology sequence. We will be doing this in the classrooms. The children would also like to celebrate all their other learning with you after the activity by showing you their books. If you are unable to attend, we will take photographs of the event which will be posted on Google Classroom.

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  • Weekly reminder 13th - 17th January 2025

    Published 10/01/25

    Happy New Year! Please see the weekly reminders below.

    Reporting absence

    If your child is unwell and unable to attend school, you must let the school know this by 9AM at the latest. You can report absence by phoning the school on 0208 883 0608 or by using the ‘Reporting Absence’ form on the website. You must let us know for each day of absence, or let us know when you expect your child to be well enough to return to school.

    Year One

    Flamingo Class assembly is next Friday, the 17th. Please come along to watch the assembly, straight after drop off. The assembly will be in the Main Hall. You are also invited to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with a biscuit after the assembly.

    Year Two

    On the 29th January, at 2:30PM, we would like to invite parents and carers to join us to prepare and enjoy healthy fruit snacks that the children will be designing in our next Design Technology sequence. We will be doing this in the classrooms. The children would also like to celebrate all their other learning with you after the activity by showing you their books. If you are unable to attend, we will take photographs of the event which will be posted on Google Classroom.

    Year Three

    Miss Queeney has had a wonderful week with Magpie Class and is looking forward to the year ahead. She looks forward to meeting you all as the term progresses.

    Year Four

    In PSHE this term, with Mrs Marshall, the children are learning about dreams and goals. On Wednesday 15th, Year 4 will be creating their dreams in a 45-minute lesson through various media. The children have already planned what they would like to do, and they have the option to bring in things from home to help create their dream. For example, they could bring in some magazine pictures of footballers where they can create a collage, or some fabric and fabric pens to show their fashion design vision! You do not need to go out to buy anything for this; some resources will be provided by the school.

    Year Six

    Mrs Stapleton would like to pass on that she’s had a great week with the Woodpeckers and is very impressed with them. She is looking forward to the rest of the term and year.

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  • Weekly reminder 9th - 13th December 2024

    Published 09/12/24

    Whole School

    Boiler and Heating 

    We have an engineer coming to look at the boiler on Tuesday. We are hoping for good news and will update to as soon as possible. In the meantime, please continue to send children in the effected classes to school with warm layers.

    OPAL Donations

    We would absolutely love some old wheely suitcases. If you have any at home, please bring them to the school office. We can ONLY accept ones with wheels that work please.

    Call for a Santa

    We are looking for a parent to come in and visit our class parties on 19th December from 1pm dressed as Santa. If you would like to do this, please email Santa costume will be provided. Thank you!

    Festive events in school

    As well as the many shows and performances listed below, we have the following festive events:

    · 18th December – Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch. Please bring in £1 for Save the Children and EducAid.

    · 19th December - Class parties. Children can come to school dressed in their party clothes. Please note, there is no need to provide any food for the parties.

    · 20th December – As it is the last day of term, school will close at 1.30pm. there are no Activity Clubs or Night Owls on this date and you have not been charged for a session.


    Please complete the form below to give permission for your child to perform by Monday 9th December. Please note that as this event is outside of school hours, your child will not be able to perform if we do not have your consent. Tickets will also go on general sale on Monday 9th December.

    Year 5&6 Permission -

    Year 3&4 Permission -

    Raffle Prizes for the Winter Concert - On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December will be holding our annual Christmas Concert featuring all children in Year 5 and 6. Funds raised from the concert will go to EducAid, our school partner charity. We will hold a raffle on each evening of the concert, if you or someone you know would be able to donate goods or services as prizes for this the we would be very grateful! Please contact Miss Vetch if you can help. Thanks

    Activity Clubs

    Activity Clubs (Year 1-6) for the Spring Term 2025 will open for bookings on Monday 9th December at 8.00pm.

    Lost Property

    Please remember to name your child’s property. We have a shocking number of unnamed items every week.

    Any unnamed lost property will be donated weekly to charity shops and FOC.

    Biblio Buzz

    Biblio Buzz orders via the school have now closed however, you can still purchase the book packs from Muswell Hill Children’s Book Shop. Packs that have been pre-ordered via school will be delivered and distributed next week. The dates and time of the book clubs will be confirmed soon.

    Eco Reminders

    Community Gardening - Wednesday 11th December, 3.45-4.30 on the school allotment (to the left of the main hall, just behind the playhouse). FREE, drop-in session with Mrs Greene. Join us for some festive fun at this last session of the year. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

    Road Safety Competition – Deadline Friday 13th December
    Years 1-6 are invited to enter our school road safety competition following our assembly this week. Any creative project about road safety can be entered – e.g. poem, animation, film, poster, cake. Give entries (or a photo of it) to your class teacher or send in by email.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

    Please wrap up warm as there is no heating in the hall currently.

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  • Weekly reminder 2nd - 6th December 2024

    Published 02/12/24

    Whole School


    The deadline for ordering photos is Tuesday 3rd December. If you do not have your child’s slip please email or with your child’s full name and class. Thank you.

    OPAL Donations

    We would absolutely love some old wheely suitcases. If you have any at home, please bring them to the school office. We can ONLY accept ones with wheels that work please.


    Tickets for the Winter Concerts are on sale via Arbor. Please see the emails sent on Monday and ensure you give permission via the links in those emails by 9th December.

    Raffle Prizes for the Winter Concert - On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December will be holding our annual Christmas Concert featuring all children in Year 5 and 6. Funds raised from the concert will go to EducAid, our school partner charity. We will hold a raffle on each evening of the concert, if you or someone you know would be able to donate goods or services as prizes for this the we would be very grateful! Please contact Miss Vetch if you can help. Thanks

    Friends of Coldfall Events

    Christmas jumper sale - Friday 6th December. We need your help! Please dig out any pre-loved Christmas or winter themed jumpers and drop them in a box at the school office from Monday (25th Nov). FOC will then be selling these jumpers in the main playground during pickup on 6 December, all in time for the schools Christmas jumper day!

    Join us for The Coldfall Cosy Christmas on Saturday 7th December. Wrap up warm and celebrate in your festive pyjamas or Christmas jumper and enjoy a movie and some sweet treats in the main hall with us. Tickets on sale now.

    Activity Clubs

    Activity Clubs (Year 1-6) for the Spring Term 2025 will open for bookings on Monday 9th December at 8.00pm.

    Lost Property

    Please remember to name your child’s property. We have a shocking amount of unnamed items every week.

    Any unnamed lost property will be donated weekly to charity shops and FOC.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 1

    Year 1 will visit St James Church for the Nativity on Wednesday 4th December.

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

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  • Weekly reminder 25th - 29th November 2024

    Published 22/11/24


    We are advertising for a new OPAL Play Lead to take over from the brilliant Mr Coetzee. If you know anyone who would be suitable, or if you would like to apply, please see the advert here:

    We are also looking for a Kitchen Assistant to start in the New Year. The advert will be on our website shortly. In the meantime, please email the office for further information.


    Tickets for the Winter Concert will go on sale on Monday 25th November. Miss Vetch will send the details of how to book and the permission forms on Monday. Please read the booking information carefully before booking. Thank you.

    Raffle Prizes for the Winter Concert - On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December will be holding our annual Christmas Concert featuring all children in Year 5 and 6. Funds raised from the concert will go to EducAid, our school partner charity. We will hold a raffle on each evening of the concert, if you or someone you know would be able to donate goods or services as prizes for this the we would be very grateful! Please contact Miss Vetch if you can help. Thanks

    Friends of Coldfall Events

    Christmas jumper sale - Friday 6th December. We need your help! Please dig out any pre-loved Christmas or winter themed jumpers and drop them in a box at the school office from Monday (25th Nov). FOC will then be selling these jumpers in the main playground during pickup on 6 December, all in time for the schools Christmas jumper day!

    Join us for The Coldfall Cosy Christmas on Saturday 7th December. Wrap up warm and celebrate in your festive pyjamas or Christmas jumper and enjoy a movie and some sweet treats in the main hall with us. Tickets on sale now.

    Activity Clubs

    Activity Clubs (Year 1-6) for the Spring Term 2025 will open for bookings on Monday 9th December at 8.00pm. The timetable is attached and is also available to view on the school website. More information to follow next week.

    Lost Property

    Please remember to name your child’s property. These pictures show all the unnamed lost property from just this week.

    Any unnamed lost property will be donated weekly to charity shops and FOC.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

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  • Weekly reminder 18th - 22nd November 2024

    Published 20/11/24

    Whole School

    We are advertising for a new OPAL Play Lead to take over from the brilliant Mr Coetzee who will commence his new teaching role from next week. If you know anyone who would be suitable, or if you would like to apply, please see the advert here:

    Save the date - Friends of Coldfall Christmas movie afternoon - Saturday 7th December.

    Raffle Prizes for the Winter Concert - On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December will be holding our annual Christmas Concert featuring all children in Year 5 and 6. Funds raised from the concert will go to EducAid, our school partner charity. We will hold a raffle on each evening of the concert, if you or someone you know would be able to donate goods or services as prizes for this the we would be very grateful! Please contact Miss Vetch if you can help. Thanks

    Please note any lost property that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales. Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

    Year 4

    On Friday 15th it is Puffin class assembly.

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  • Weekly reminder 11th - 15th November 2024

    Published 11/11/24

    Whole School

    We will be celebrating Anti-Bullying week from Monday 11th November. The theme this year is Choose Respect and Mr Marshall will lead a whole school assembly on Monday. The children will also be discussing bullying in their PSHE lessons next week and Mr Descrettes and Miss King will be talking about what bullying is (and isn’t) in our Golden Singing Assembles. Please see the link below for any more information. If you have any concerns about bullying, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Gazzard via the school office.

    Also for Anti-Bullying week, we will celebrate Odd Sock Day on Friday 15th November. Children can come to school in their odd socks to celebrate our differences.

    Save the date - Friends of Coldfall Christmas movie afternoon - Saturday 7th December.

    On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December at 18.00 we are holding our annual Christmas Concert in support of EducAid. All children in Year 5 and 6 will be performing on both evenings. Children who sing in Junior Chorus with Mrs Gazzard will be performing on Tuesday 17th only. More information will follow in due course but in the meantime please save the date to ensure you and your children can attend

    Community Gardening - Wednesday 13th November, 3.45-4.30 on the school allotment (to the left of the main hall, just behind the playhouse). FREE, drop-in session with Mrs Greene. This week, we'll be identifying plants, weeding and tidying. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

    Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales.

    Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.

    Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November are individual and sibling photo days for the whole school. The older children will have their individual photos and photos with their younger siblings on Monday and the younger children will do the same on Tuesday. Children in Reception to Y1 should be in uniform. If they have PE please send them with a Coldfall jumper to wear over the top.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be on Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

    Year 4

    On Friday 15th November it is Puffin class assembly.

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  • Weekly reminder 21st - 25th October 2024

    Published 18/10/24

    Whole School

    The annual FOC Fireworks Night will be held on Friday 8th November. Grab your tickets and volunteer to help on a stall . FOC need parent volunteers to be able to put on these fantastic events so please do sign up for a lot.

    Also, the FOC are having a Halloween cake sale after school (3.30pm) on Friday 25th October. Please come along and celebrate the start of the half term holiday with a delicious home-made cake.

    Community Gardening - Wednesday 23rd October, 3:45-4:30 on the school allotment (to the left of the Main Hall, just behind the playhouse). FREE, drop-in session with Mrs Greene. This week, we'll be planting bulbs that you can take home with you. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

    Please make sure you download the Arbor app as Parents’ Evening bookings will be bookable after half term break via the app only.

    On Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th December at 18.00 we are holding our annual Christmas Concert in support of EducAid. All children in Year 5 and 6 will be performing on both evenings. Children who sing in Junior Chorus with Mrs Gazzard will be performing on Tuesday 17th only. More information will follow in due course but in the meantime please save the date to ensure you and your children can attend.

    Don’t forget, we will be celebrating the Harvest Festival on Friday 25th October. Children can dress in Autumn colours or as farmers. We ask that each child brings in £1 for EducAid and a tin or non-perishable food item for our local soup kitchen. The Soup Kitchen have said they would really love to receive tinned soup this year.

    Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales. Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.

    Booking for Night Owls for the next term (from January) will be available from 5th November.


    The Nursery Sing-a-Longs will be On Wednesday 11th December at 11.30am and 2.30pm.


    The Nativities will be on the following dates:

    Chaffinch – Monday 9th December at 3pm

    Dove – Tuesday 10th December at 9.15am

    Eagle – Tuesday 10th December 3pm

    Year 2

    The Year 2 performances of the Nut Cracker will be on the following dates:

    Kingfisher – Thursday 12th December 9.15am

    Kestrel - Thursday 12th December 3pm

    Kookaburra – Friday 13th December 9.25am

    Year 4

    On Friday 25th it is Pelican class assembly.

    Year 6

    It is Toucan class’s turn to head to Tollesbury. We hope the children have a wonderful time.

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  • Weekly reminder 7th - 11th October 2024

    Published 07/10/24

    Communication From School

    We can no longer send SMS/Text messages so we politely request that all parents download the Arbor app so that we can send last minute or urgent messages to you via the app. Thank you.

    After School Club Pick Up

    Please ensure you allow plenty of time to collect children from Activity Club and Night Owls on time. The gates open for Activity Club collection at 4.35pm.

    Please arrive at school to collect from Night Owls by 5.55pm to allow time to walk round to the hall by 6pm.

    Reading Volunteers Wanted

    We are lucky to have many parents (and some grandparents) who volunteer with us on a regular basis. Children love reading to an adult and listening to children read can be a joyful and rewarding experience. If you would like to volunteer to read with children, please let me know via an email to the office know. We would be very glad to have you.

    Kind regards,

    Mr Descrettes (English Lead)

    Parent Gym

    If you have assigned up for Parent Gym this is a reminder that it will be starting on Monday 7th October 2024 at 9am in the Lower Hall.

    Lost Property

    Please note any clothing that is not clearly named will be donated to Friends of Coldfall each Friday for their second-hand uniform sales.

    Any named lost property will be returned to your child’s class or can be collected from the playground every Friday after school.


    On Friday 11th October Reception children will have a Drama workshop in the morning.

    Year 4

    On Thursday 10th October the children will be going on their school trip to The Verulamium Museum in St Albans. Please ensure children have comfortable footwear, a packed lunch and a suitable jacket with them. Also, if you have not yet made payment for this trip please do so by Monday 7th October.

    We are planning to be Romans for a day on Friday 18th October. Children can dress in simple Roman style clothing –these can be made from items at home (t-shirts/sheets), there is no need to buy anything new. As we will still have PE, please can the children wear trainers. More information to follow soon.

    Year 5

    On Friday 11th October it is Robin class assembly in the Main Hall.

    Year 6

    Woodpecker class will be heading off to Tollesbury on their school journey on Monday 7th October.

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  • Weekly reminder 22nd July – 24th July 2024

    Published 23/07/24

    Please be reminded of the following:

    Year 1-5

    We are excited to announce that Parent Gym is offering a free six-week programme designed to support you in your parenting journey. This programme will begin in October and will take place on Mondays, immediately after school drop-off, here at the school. The sessions will provide valuable insights and practical strategies to help you navigate the challenges of parenting. The programme is entirely free and offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with other parents and learn together. Please note that there are only 20 places available, and participants must commit to attending all six sessions to ensure the best experience for everyone involved. If you are interested in participating, please register your interest by clicking on the link below:

    Year 1

    Please return all school reading books and reading diaries to school on Monday 22nd July and we will pass them on to your child’s new teacher for September. 

    Could children bring a bag to school on Monday to take all their work and other items home.

    Year 6 

    Monday- Y6 Football Competition & Bringing home of books

    Many of the children have chosen to take part in a football competition on Monday. Please make sure children are in PE kit for this. We will be sending the children’s books home on Monday. Please make sure your child has a bag to put these in. If your child normally cycles to school, please consider whether they will be able to cycle and carry all of their things.

    Tuesday- Y6 Science & Water fight

    The children will be taking part in a science experiment that could get messy. Please send them in wearing older shoes/ trainers that do not matter if they get soapy and wet. The children will also be allowed to take part in a water fight on the field in the afternoon (this was the prize agreed for completing the Easter Maths revision packs.) Please send the children in with a water gun or a container that they can use to take part with. We will only be able to offer children a plastic cup for this. Please do not send children in with any water balloons as we will not be allowing the children to take part in this.

    Wednesday- Leavers T-shirts & Surprise

    We will be giving the children some time to sign each other’s T-shirts on Wednesday. We have arranged a surprise for the children on this day which will be best enjoyed by the children if they are in their PE kits. We ask that the children bring in a school t shirt separately for signing.


    Next Year

    We would like to invite you to attend a class meeting at 3pm on the following dates:

    Year 6 – 4th September

    Year 5 – 5th September

    Year 4 – 6th September

    Year 3 – 9th September

    Year 2 – 10th September

    Year 1 – 11th September

    These meetings are an opportunity to meet the class teacher and find out what your child will be learning this year.

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  • Weekly reminder 15th July – 19th July 2024

    Published 14/07/24

    Whole School

    We are hiring new members of staff for our Night Owls and Early Years After School Club. The successful candidates will be offered a free space in the club for their children (if they attend Coldfall). If you would like to apply, please do so by 12 noon on Friday 19th July. You can find the full details here:

    Children who attend Night Owls in Year 4-6 should be collected from the Main Hall on Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th, and Wednesday 17th July due to the Year 6 shows.

    Below is the link to our annual parent and carer survey. We would be grateful if you could complete this by Friday 19th July. We really appreciate all of your feedback and support.

    Year 5

    Children will be heading to Tollesbury on the following dates:

    • Woodpecker (Swift) 7th - 11th October 
    • Wren (Robin) 14th - 18th October
    • Toucan (Swan) 21st- 25th October


    Year 6

    Year 6 Shows

    Please send your children in with their costumes on Monday if they are not in school already.

    Timings on the night:

    5:15 Children to arrive through Everington Road Gate and proceed to Hummingbird classroom (Girls) and Kingfisher classroom (Boys) to be registered. 

    5:30 Everington Road Gate will be opened. Please line up at the back door of the Main Hall.

    5:50 Doors will open to Lower Hall for you to take your seats

    6:00 Show will start.

    7:30 (approx.) Finish. Please proceed to the small playground and we will bring your children to you.


    *All children must be collected by an adult.

    *Please leave promptly when you have collected your children

    *Please fill all rows of seating fully and leave no gaps

    *Please let us know in advance of any wheelchair users that will attend.

    *There will be smaller seats at the front for younger children.

    *Children to not bring mobile phones or any sweets with them. Children may bring a water bottle.


    Y6 Leavers Ball


    5:45 Coldfall Avenue Gates will be open for children and parents/carers. This will give you an opportunity to take photographs.

    6:00 Parents/carers to leave so gates can be locked.

    7:50 Coldfall Avenue Gates to be opened. Parents to proceed to main playground to collect children. There will be an opportunity to take a whole group picture before children are collected.


    *All children must be collected by an adult.

    *Children must not bring mobile phones.

    *Food and drink to be provided.

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  • Weekly reminder 8th July – 12th July 2024

    Published 05/07/24

    Whole School

    • Exhibition Evening – Thursday, 11th July from 4pm until 6pm – NO ACTIVITY CLUBS (Only Night Owls will be running)
    • Enterprise Fair – Thursday, 11th July from 3:45pm - Y6 will be holding their enterprise fair during exhibition evening, so please come along a little early to have a look
    • Choir Concert – During Exhibition evening at 4:30pm – lower hall
    • Book Fair – 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th July 2024

    The Travelling Book Fair will arrive at Coldfall Primary School on Monday. You will find the fair, weather permitting, on the front playground every day after school until Friday. Please do come along and see what books and offers are available. For every £1 spent the school gets 20p to spend on books for the school.

    • Donations for the Mud Kitchen

    Thank you so much for donating items for our mud kitchen. Please only donate items that we requested as we don’t have enough storage for any items that were not asked for.

    • Concerns that you may have

    Can we please ask parents to contact the school directly for any concerns that they might have by e-mailing the school office: .


    • Graduation Garden Party– Friday, 19th July at 2pm - in your child’s classroom

    Bring your favourite family dish to the party.

    • Interactive Dinosaur Show – Wednesday, 10th July

    Just a reminder that Reception children will be enjoying an Interactive Dinosaur show on Wednesday. Please make a payment via your Arbor account, if you haven’t done so already, thank you.

    Year 1

    • Hummingbird class assembly and coffee – Friday, 12th July at 9.05am – Main Hall
    • SEND Support meetings – Wednesday, 10th July

    Year 2

    • Aldenham Country Park Trip Friday, 12th July – leaving at 8.30am and returning 3.30pm

    Year 6

    • Fair during Exhibition Evening – Thursday, 11th July

    The Y6 children have been working on an enterprise project in their maths lessons. They will be running a fair during Exhibition Evening from 3:45 - 4:45, offering a wide variety of snacks, drinks, crafts, games and even beauty treatments. The children are all hoping to turn a profit on the investment they were given, so please come along and see what they have to offer.

    • The Y6 children have plans for what they need to do for their enterprise project stall at exhibition evening. They may need some support in shopping and making for this. Thank you.


    • Activity Clubs for the Autumn term are going live on Monday, 8th July 2024 at 8pm (timetable attached) Please note that club bookings can ONLY be done via Arbor – Please make sure you have downloaded the Arbor app (see below information), otherwise you will not be able to book.


    • Arbor - New Management School System (MIS) - Please download the Arbor App - everyone will need to download the Parent App from Google Play Store on android phones or the Apple Store on iPhones.

    To create your account, you just need to set a password. Your username is the email address that you have provided the school with.  Go to and click Forgot your password? to finish setting up your account.

    Separate e-mails were sent out to parents on 2nd July and 5th July on how to log in. Please contact Roopa via e-mail in the school office if you are having issues logging in.


    Ongoing Information


    Outstanding Debt

    We would like to ask parents to please clear any outstanding debt that they have on Arbor as we are at this time moving to our new MIS, Arbor. In order for the move to go smoothly all debt needs to be cleared from everyone’s Arbor account. If there are any issues, please contact the school office as soon as possible.

    Please check you e-mail box /junk/spam for the e-mail that went out on 2nd July where you received information on how to register to the new Payment System. The new system will have an app that everyone will need to download, as outlined above. Thank you.

    Leavers (Nursery to Year 5): If you are planning to leave Coldfall Primary school at the end of the school year please e-mail the school office and let us know your child’s new school name and address as well as your new address, if applicable. Thank you to those parents who have already contacted the school office.

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