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Admissions & Tours​


Coldfall have had a nursery for ages three and above for over 20 years, and have recently extended the hours of provision to 8.00am – 6.00pm every weekday.  We are an Ofsted-registered nursery, and accept the Government 'free childcare hours' of 15 or 30 hours per week.

Please go to the Nursery page for full information on our Nursery offer, tour information and how to apply HERE.

Reception to Year 6

We are a three-form entry school (three classes per year) with six year groups.  There are currently 671 pupils on the school roll.

All admission applications to Coldfall Primary School from Reception Class to Year 6, are handled by Haringey Council. Our admissions policy is that of Haringey Council, with priority given to children in local authority care and children with special educational needs, followed by children with brothers and sisters already at the school and then those living closest to the school.

Our admissions number is 90 pupils for each year group. Parents can apply online at or ring the Haringey Schools Admissions office on 020 8489 1000 to consult Haringey Council’s School Admissions department.

Starting school in Reception

There is one intake per year and children start school in September before they turn five years old. The waiting list for all year groups is handled by Haringey Council's School Admissions department.

Just moved to the area and your child is already at school age?

If you are considering applying for an in-year place at Coldfall, please first consult Haringey on 02084891000 and ask to put your child’s name on the waiting list.  The school does not administer the waiting list and places are allocated by the council.

School Tours

Here at Coldfall, we believe that every person should Go Further Than We Thought, Run Faster Than We Hoped, Reach Higher Than We Dreamed, Become The Best That We Can Be.

If you would like to come and visit the school, please use the form below to book a tour. You will need to complete one form for each person attending. Please be mindful that there are limited places on each tour, and we ask parents and carers to only book for one tour. Parent and Carer tours are not suitable for children.

If your circumstances change and you are not able to attend on your chosen date, or if you wish to re-book on a different date, please contact the school office.

Please have a look on our school’s website for information on the curriculum and all aspects of our practice. If you have any specific queries which cannot be answered by looking through the website, please email the school directly on:

Tour Dates 2023-2024

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